Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Morning Material: Polishing, Cleaning, and Tidying

This Monday I bring you a cleaning and tidying task. Children who are engaged in shared household activities, such as cleaning, scrubbing and polishing, develop the habits they need to grow up to be capable and responsible young people.

First Activity: Cleaning The Mirrors
We purchased this polish.
Apply a thin coat to the mirror. Allow to dry and then wipe with a clean cloth.

White Vinegar Mirror Spray
Place white vinegar into a spray bottle and spritz it onto the mirror. Using newspapers, wipe streaks dry.

Cleaning Kitchen Cabinets

Bucket and Rag or Sponge

For this activity, I like to give the girls a tiny bit of soap, like Dr.Bronners and water, in a shallow bucket or dishpan.

You might want to demonstrate the activity, and how to wring out a rag before letting the kids start. Most young children use too much water.

Scrubbing The Tub

A fun was for the kids to help with this activity is to use a little baking soda, white vinegar and Dr.Bronners. The kids love the fizz. You can use old toothbrushes to scrub the tub, which makes it extra fun.

Sometimes, just trying a new cleaning recipe or store bought product is enough to re-energize myself and the children into cleaning.

I hope you enjoy these ideas. You can add a little peppermint or lavendar essential oil to the cleaning water or scrub, it really helps rejuvenate the house.

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